Big numbers:

8 million tonnes end up in the sea each year
75% of waste found in the seas
80% of marine waste passes through coastal environments
5 trillion particles float on the surface of the seas


Penalized economy

$13 billion per year:
This is the cost of marine pollution associated with plastic was
te. Affected sectors:

Degraded quality of life

By 2025, three-fourths of men will live within 60 km of the coastline. (UNESCO, 201
2) Plastics represent an alteration of the living environment for coastal dwellers.

Health at risk

Plastics are on our plates in the form of micro plastics when we eat seafood!
Toxic substances that clave into plastics enter the food chain … even in the pulpit of the fish we eat.


Biodiversity amputated

1400 species are impac
ted.100,000 marine mammals are killed e
ach year.94% of the stomachs of North Sea bird
s contain 86% of sea turtles i
ngest them.39% of messolagic fish (between 200 and 1000m deep) have them in stomachs.


There is hope!

Discover projects to fight for each phase of the plastic lifecycle





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